Welcome to Tall Trees Foundation

Together, We Make a Difference

At the Tall Trees Foundation, we believe in the power of community. Our mission is to provide support through grants to the valued employees and staff of Palo Alto Hills Golf & Country Club during times of unexpected financial hardship. Whether it's through grants for medical emergencies, essential car repairs, or sudden family crises, we are here to ensure that they receive the assistance they need when life takes an unforeseen turn.

Don’t miss this once a year Member-Staff Golf Event— a unique opportunity to golf alongside the dedicated staff we support. Enjoy a fun-filled day on the greens, build camaraderie, and create lasting memories with the people who make our community special.

When: Sunday, September 29th, 1:00pm Shotgun
Format: 9-hole scramble
Cost: $175 per player (please consider underwriting an employee’s entry fee)
Includes: Golf, Cart, Mulligan and Gimmie String Putt

Your generosity makes an immediate and tangible impact. Every hole sponsorship brings us closer to fulfilling our commitment to the well-being of those who contribute to the vibrant community at Palo Alto Hills Golf & Country Club. With your support, we can continue to provide vital assistance and peace of mind to our dedicated staff.

Please contact Sue Jarvis at: sueshoppin@comcast.net

Do you have a special item or experience to contribute? Whether it’s a weekend getaway, exclusive tickets, a unique experience, gift certificates, or anything else, your donation to our silent auction will significantly enhance our fundraising efforts and make a lasting impact.

Please contact Linda Thomas at: lindamthomas3@gmail.com

Be a Part of Our Community

Explore our website to learn more about our initiatives, read stories of those we've helped, and find out how you can contribute to our cause. Join us in making a positive impact – because at Tall Trees Foundation, we grow stronger together.